Sunday, November 04, 2007

Between Classes

I know this is about my weight loss, but really it's about my life and my life right now is very much about school and weight loss.

I've got one more class before I start graduate school. No, I don't have a BS, or a BA, but I am enrolled in an accelerated under + grad program at the local business college. Come August of 09 I'll have my MBA and a degree in Business Management. I've been at this for nearly 3 years solid. 20 months to go.

Anyway, this weekend has me between the last class and starting the next one. It's an unsettling feeling. I was very busy the last two weeks, that culminated in a few very large papers. And now I have the lull where I'm worried about what it is I will be learning next. I do well, I will do well but I'm disquieted.

Learned to put inner tubes on my road bike today. God love Miss J and her willingness to do anything bicycling related, like lessons in November in my cobweb decorated basement.

I did get a BodyBugg, which is a calorie counting device that I wear all the time. I log my calories consumed at the same site and get a comparison about what kind of deficit I'm hopefully running at. Way cool.

The weekend was filled with friends and cooking, two things I don't spend much time on these days. Being between classes there was time in the schedule and that's a wonderful thing.

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