Monday, January 28, 2008


Is this the time and place to journal? I’ve got piles of things to do on the list. Actually I have yet to make a list…that’s on my agenda as well.

I worked all weekend, many, many hours which is fantastic; I can pay some bills. School starts today. Grad school. My MBA. I’m scared. It’s easier to stand still paralyzed than to actually move forward. Of course the ticking of the clock and legitimate deadlines are going to drive me away from this frozen state but just not yet.

At least my weight is moving again. The GF and I decided to track our food and hold each other accountable for three days. We had three days of success. We’ve committed for the next three days as well. I’m not sure what’s inspired the new commitment if it is my one year surgery anniversary coming up and I’m not under 200 pounds or if I was feeling full of pity or anger about the skin.

The skin is hideous, horrible, ugly and just plain bad. The skin makes me sad when I look at myself and I know it’s only going to get worse. But it’s par for the course. I knew it was going to happen but I just hoped I would somehow be spared. No such luck. But talking luck or happiness I need to get perspective and that’s happening. Regardless of what was impeding me, I’ve pushed it aside and I’m doing much better. Still a little blue or could be a little tired, but it’s working its way out.

Three cheers to a half gallon of water and 1300 calories a day. Woo Hoo.

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