Thursday, November 02, 2006

gotta get the pic thing situated

Apparently I need to figure out how to do the picture thing on here.

My case is under review with the insurance company. I should have an answer with 2 weeks. I don't know how quickly after that I'll get to have my surgery. This has been quite a year. If I were going to give up on the idea I'd have done it already.

But I have no desire to give it up.

I've been working out the last two weeks. One more week and I'll desire working out more than I'll desire sitting on my ass. But my body is hurting a bit. It's not too bad...actually it's rather cool to feel like I'm getting stronger already, or have having the ability to do a full 30 minutes of cardio.

A gave me an iPod for our anniversary. I LOVE IT! For working out it's the best thing ever. I'm trying to comprise my workout play list. I've got some stuff on there, I need to buy more music, but I'm cheaping out. I need to figure out the P2P sharing stuff. As you can see I need to get a bit more technically savvy.

It will happen. No doubt.

Well, soon I'll be posting before pictures. I'm actually going to take them wearing my bathing suit, which is astonishingly brave. But what the hell. It's an education. People need to know what fat women look like.


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