Monday, December 01, 2008


When the titles pop up as other ones I've typed you know it's a bit redundant.

So I'm trying to type with less slang and more articulation. It seems a bit pretentious but also, when it comes time to write the book I expect it will hold me in better stead.

Just sayin'

It's hard though.

Any way to up date. Tomorrow I go for the second opinion on the plastic surgery. I've already been approved for surgery, well for the excess skin and tissue on my torso to be removed, but not my arms, legs or breasts. So that's not the issue.

The issue is if the two docs are on the same page. Like how much will this one think he'll remove? What kind of incisions will he be making? What kind of drains, follow up and protocols? Is my Columbus man reasonable, is the Cincinnati doctor going to be exceptionally better? There's going to be a few follow up drives. I don't know how much I'm going to want to drive to Cincy if the doctor in Columbus is equal.

So I'm hoping for equal. I don't dislike the Columbus Doc, but I figure I considering the extent of this surgery having a second opinion is warranted.

I did actually have a good day as far as eating awareness goes. I only had two meals and a snack. I'm trying to ditch the sugar and simple carbohydrates. It's 9:30 and all is well. I should go and track it, but that just wears me down after a bit. I want to find a way to control my eating without tracking. I know I've said in the past if that's the one thing I have to do to get my weight off, I'll do it. But I'm looking for solutions that will get my weight off that don't include having to track what I eat.

It's about being aware of what you put in your mouth. I'm pretty cognizant of that right now.

We'll see.

Otherwise, life is good. The kid broke her arm. She has a pink cast to go with the pink Xmas tree so we're going to have a pink, pink holiday.