Monday, July 30, 2007

Wow a month...

It's been an entire month and no blogging. Could it be my insane school load this session? I'm blaming that for everything else like the plateau from hell, to forgetting appointments, to being a grumpy pain in the ass.

Excuses work for me.

The plateau is the longest one to date. I've been flitting between 241 and 239 for three weeks. THREE FREAKING WEEKS!!!

I've been biking like crazy too. I get either 50+ or 100+ miles a week depending on my Zoe schedule. But I've also been eating more because the doctor said I could because I bike...and I'm wasn't strength training so much.

Well, that changed today. I'm at about 1100 calories today and I got in the gym for a full hour. That's 30 on the elyptical and 30 strength training. I noticed the last few days my back feeling sore and pulling. I know it's because I laid off the exercising, so that got me motivated today. That and the stuck scale, and when I went into the fitness center a pal was in there and she encouraged me to stick it out and do my whole routine.

It's strange, I usually LOVE the strength part and don't care for the cardio....

Anyway, I bike with a group of lesbians on the weekends and that's been super cool. My regular, get it done route is 20 miles now, which amazes me, considering 20 miles royally kicked my ass 2 months ago. I tried to set some heavy duty goals for the fall, but real life is getting in the way, I have to work a weekend A and I were going to shoot for 62 I've let go of the competitive thing with biking I was doing to myself. That's nice stress level is a bit high from the classes...
